
FHS vs LHHS | Newspaper Articles | Coaching Staff | Roster | Schedule | LHHS vs Simonds | Mathieu-Martin vs. LHHS | Fan Photo Album | Team pics/ locker room | League Standings | Directions/Whats new | LHHS vs Oromocto | McNaughton vs LHHS | LHHS vs Tantramar
Directions/Whats new

How do I get there?


Varsity Lions Please work hard on getting your scratch cards done.  Remember the more you get done the less you will be paying for your coats.  Or other expenses. 
We also have chocolate bars we will be selling but it has been decided that, it will occur after the scratch cards is done.
New pictures added to the Oromocto game Tantramar game.
Please email me at lhhs0@lycos.com  if i have made any mistakes so that i can correct them.
Please be sure to sign the Guess Book on Home page

Not sure which field the game is on? Check the "Schedule" page.