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2002 Leo Hayes St. Mary's Varsity Football Team Roster  
                       "Home of the Lions"
                                        Go Lions!!!!

#12 - Ritchie Mayambo RB
#16 - Nigel Eatmon  HB
#17 - Roger Cloutier HB
#18 - Brent McGrath  RB
#19 - Zach Kilburn  QB
#21 - Andrew Thomas CB
#22 - Bruce Canning HB
#27 - Nolan Gervais  QB
#44- Josh Gervais OL/DL
#45 - Ben Cornford  DB
#46 - Mike Jones  LB
#47 - Mike Spinney  LB
#48 - Jordan Maxwell  LB
#49 - Richie Giannini  LB
#50 - Andrew Phillips  OL
#52 - Jason Christie  OL
#53 - Adam Chamberlain  LB
#54 - Mitch Bye  LB
#62 - Chris Doiran  OL
#65 - C.J. Greer  OL
#67 - Brad Lynch  OL
#66 - Corey Jones  OL
#71 - Josh McKay  DL
#72 - Kyle Kish  LB
#73 - Jesse Mercier  DL
#74 - Shawn Ricker  DL
#75 - John Guptil  DL
#80 - Eric Savard  DB
#82 - Justin Wies  DB
#83 - Brad McKay  DB
#84 - Josh Dickenson WR
#85 - Charles Hudlin  WR
#86 - Mike McAllister  DL
#89 - Andrew Cougle  FB
#92 - Matt Thompson  LB
#99 - Kris Maxwell  DL